EmpowrSoft CRM
Email Marketing Success in 4 Simple Steps Sep 05, 2020

Do you have a plan for your email list?

Email marketing is the most effective way to nurture and convert leads into clients. You get to show up in the inboxes of people who have already expressed interest in what you have to offer. That’s why they signed up for your list in the first place!...

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5 Ways In Choosing A Domain Name For Your Website Sep 02, 2020

Choosing what domain name bests suits you and your business can be daunting. So in order to find the right one for you, you must first understand what a domain is. 

What is a domain? And what’s a domain name?

It is your address in the online world. It helps other people find you in the...

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Content Marketing for Beginners Aug 01, 2020

Are you busy growing your business, but feeling uncertain about where to put your focus? Do you have a content marketing strategy? Providing consistent, value-driven content might be the single greatest thing you can do to build an audience in today’s digital world!

Content marketing can be...

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How to Craft Your Perfect Elevator Pitch Jul 04, 2020

Whether you’re meeting a friend for coffee, going to a local networking event, or hanging out online on social media, you need to be armed and ready with a killer elevator pitch!


What is an elevator pitch?

Well, it is not a sales pitch for your product or service. But it does sell ...

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5 Steps to Creating an Amazing Website Jun 06, 2020

What makes a successful website?


You have your brand in place. You’re focused on your goals for serving your customers. Now it’s time to take that brand and apply it to designing a website that rocks your customers’ world! You want it to not only attract attention. A...

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Designing a Logo That Makes Your Mark May 02, 2020

You’ve done the work to define your branding. But now you need an extraordinary logo! 

If designing your company logo has you feeling stuck, you’re in the right place! We’re going to talk about what exactly a logo is, why you need one, and how to choose the perfect design...

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4 Steps to Building Your Brand Apr 04, 2020

As a new business owner, how much thought have you given to building your brand?

Let’s assume for a moment that you’ve already dug deep and written out your vision for your business. You are deeply grounded in why you do what you do. And you’ve come up with a name that reflects...

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4 Tips To Making A Quit-Proof Commitment Feb 01, 2020


You’ve made the decision to start your business, and you are ready to do what it takes to make your dreams a reality.

But what does it take to make a commitment, stick with it, and find success, without freaking out and giving up in the process?

Let’s face it. The...

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How to Write a Powerful Vision Statement Jan 04, 2020

Welcome to 2020!


Are you ready to take on the new year and dominate in your field? 

If you’re like most business owners, you’ve put your goals for the year down on paper and laid out the steps to grow your business. I absolutely think writing out goals is one of the most...

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Branding vs Brand Identity – What’s the difference? Dec 12, 2019

Branding vs Brand Identity – what’s the difference?

Gone are the days when small entrepreneurs would simply create logos for their businesses and then call it a day. Now more than ever, defining your brand has been recognized as a crucial step to business success. I know you’ve...

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