EmpowrSoft CRM

Client Management: Things That Are Needed

marketing team management work life balance Sep 19, 2021


In order to sustain a successful business, it is very important that you build customer loyalty through an effective client management system. Our ultimate goal here should be to build and maintain good, quality client relationships for our business to retain and gain customers and at the same time, ensure on-going success.


But first, what is client management?

Client management is the process of improving customer experience and strengthening the relationship between the business and its clients through overseeing and coordinating the proper flow which ensures that the customers are being served in the best possible way.


In the beginning of my journey with SavvyChic design, everything is all over the place in creating a workflow. I am just so proud that through the years of trial and error, I am finally able to have a proper system that works for me, which might also work for you! Who knows?!

So now, when a client onboards with SavvyChic Design, here is sharing the process on what we do that works really well for our clients:

Discovery Call

This is a 30-minute Zoom call wherein we normally first meet each other, and discuss your needs and everything that you would like to do in terms of your business. It could be building a brand, designing your logo, putting up a website, creating designs and templates for your marketing or lead magnet, etc. You tell me everything and I take them all down!


Proposal, contract, invoice

I got all you need and everything needs to be implemented properly. Now, it’s time to create a winning proposal to actually win your heart! Together with it, I send my contract and agreement as well as the invoice. And I use Dubsado for all of this. It’s an all-in-one place!


Dropbox folder

By the time that the invoice has been paid, I create a Dropbox folder which is divided into subfolders for proper organization of all your assets that there is. This way, you will be able to monitor what things still need to be done in terms of what I need from you, through the course of our process.


Communication is the key!

It really takes a lot of trial and error and handing down what needs to be done in terms of client management. You just have to make sure to communicate to them every now and then if there is progress, or if there is anything else that you need from them. And oh, don’t forget to mention if you sent them through email so they could check!



I really do believe in creating checklists, whether manually through your notepad, or through the different applications available in store today! Whichever works for you and you are comfortable using. This way, you, yourself will be able to monitor the progress, what needs to be done, what is lacking , what needs to be checked, etc.

Client Management is very important especially when you are creating a long process that needs a lot of back and forth, back and forth job! Remember, first impressions last. So better make a very good one!

If you haven’t started with your own Client Management workflow yet, go ahead and try what I do. It could work, and it could also not. But hey, there is no harm in trying!

If you have any questions about my Savvy tips, I’d really love to hear from you in the comments below!


Stay Savvy!


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