How to Connect Custom Domain using Kajabi Path B and Cloudflare
Sep 04, 2022
Custom domains are unique branded names that identify a website. Take SavvyChic Design, their custom domain is These custom domains always appear at the top of every browser, right at the address bar. We use them everyday when we’re navigating around the web. Some of these custom domains are already on your bookmarks!
Connecting a custom domain is a great option especially when you are using Kajabi as your main website host. And also, having a custom URL to your site feels amazing.
But what if your site is hosted elsewhere? Like on WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace? This is where subdomains go into the mix for your Kajabi site.
Don’t you worry! We’ll guide you right through the steps you need to follow to connect your custom domain to Kajabi using a subdomain path.
Follow these steps!
Step 1: Kajabi
- Log in to Kajabi
- Go to Settings – Domain Set Up
- Select ‘Create subdomain for a Kajabi site’
- Add the domain name ‘’
- Add ‘www’ in subdomain name
- Your domain preview should look like this ‘’
- Click ‘Next’
- DO NOT CLICK ‘Done, Let’s verify your CNAME’ yet.
Pretty straightforward! But we’re not done yet. You have a long way to go.
Step 2: Cloudflare
- Login to Cloudflare
- Add your domain name to Cloudflare
- You will be given a new DNS
Step 3: GoDaddy (Domain Registrar)
Use Delegate Access if you are letting someone else connect your domain in Kajabi
- Scroll down to the bottom page where you see ‘Manage DNS’
- Find the Name servers and click ‘Change’
- Click ‘Enter my own name server’
- Then, paste the Cloudflare DNS accordingly
- Click ‘Save’
Step 4: Cloudflare
- Refresh Cloudflare – you should see the DNS records already
- Check existing CNAME record with ‘www’ and DELETE (take note of the details just in case)
- Add a new CNAME record
- Select CNAME
- Add ‘www’ in the name field
- Add ‘’ in the content field
- Leave everything else default or auto
- Click ‘Add Record’
- Go to SSL and make sure it is toggled to ‘FULL’
- Then, go to Page Rules
- Click add page rule and add the following rules accordingly (change to the correct domain)
Page Rule #1
o First Field:*
o Setting: Forwarding URL
o Code: 301 Permanent Redirect
o Destination:$1
o Save and Deploy
Page Rule #2
o First Field:*
o Setting: Always Use HTTPS
o Save and Deploy
Page Rule #3
o First Field:*
o Setting: Forwarding URL
o Code: 301 Permanent Redirect
o URL:$1
o Save and Deploy
Step 5: Kajabi
- Click ‘Done, Let’s verify your CNAME’
- Wait…
Usually it takes hours before this gets connected. But after that, you’re all done! You can now enjoy your very own custom domain right at Kajabi!
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